You are here: Cashbook > Bank Reconciliation > Creating a New Bank Reconciliation > General Ledger Entries

General Ledger Entries

Direct entries are automatically set to (Reconciled) when added to the Bank Rec form. The Transaction Type is from the Bank Account perspective, not the Ledger Account perspective - i.e. payments are credit, receipts are debits. To adjust details you can either:


1. Select Direct GL Transaction from the list box in the blank line in the Transactions grid. Date populated into the form is the Bank Rec date
2. Select ledger account from the search window
3. Enter in dollar amount (Inc GST) and change Transaction Type if required
4. Change GST code if required (prompts to the default rate for Acquisitions if credit and Supplies if a debit)
5. Select Payment TypePayment Types are setup in Debtors, Configuration, Maintain Payment Types form from list box
6. Enter Reference and Remark
7. Save to execute

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